
Cleo is a project file for Rapidweaver and Stacks designed to power a fully-featured blog with commenting system and authors management.

Create and manage your blog posts with ease using the TCMS Admin Area
Add/edit Author’s profiles pages from admin area
Relate Authors to posts automatically
TCMS Blog commenting system for RW.
Branded email template.
Fully featured and ready to use TCMS Admin Area.
Full control of your website SEO from your TCMS Admin Area.

######Details about this project file Built with Foundation 6 stacks, Total CMS View full list of stacks here.
27 designed and developed pages including Admin Area. Cleo Demo Website
Custom Sitemap built with SEO Helper 2
Beautiful 404 Page View it here

######Intuitive edits

A clean and intuitive edit mode guides you through editing your project file. Well documented Pen stacks bring the help you need when you need it. In addition the blog page of the Cleo Demo Website has been repurposed as a documentation page. Each article is a tutorial that will guide you through the focal points of your setup and editing process.

######Customer Care Emails

Become an expert in your new project file. Purchase follow-up emails will help you personalize Cleo to your needs, with curated suggestions to edit and power-up your website.


First-class support via email or through our Weavers Space Community Chanel.