Dropper is an innovative advanced stack, which allows you to move almost ANY type of stacks, dynamically but temporarily, to any dropper stack in target mode in the same web page. That includes a single stack or a group of stacks, image stacks or other element stacks**. When in legacy source mode almost ANY stack or group of stacks can be used with dropper. The Axyn Image Fit Stack, for example, can be set to be draggable natively, making them the perfect companion to the Dropper stack. Also, UIKit3 Stacks that allow passing attributes can also be set to be natively draggable, such as image, paragraph, header, container, section, background etc. In native source mode, the stack can be "grabbed" and "dragged" by clicking onto any part of the stack, in "legacy" source mode, the stacks can only be "grabbed" by the special handle (crosshair or similar) overlay. With the Dropper Stack you can create dynamic web pages which engage visitors, as marketing and sales tools, and also in visual "what if" scenarios.