We make sections. Simple sections to more complex sections.

Our sections work with any framework and you don't need to buy anything else to get our sections to work. 

As well as using the built in stacks from YourHead, we use free stacks from accredited developers like Big White Duck, Stacks4Stacks and others.

Who am I?

I have been building websites with Rapidweaver since Adam was a lad! I used to use "Homepage" (which shows how long I have been around) and I discovered Rapidweaver very early on when it first came out of Brighton on to the market.

I've built hundreds of RW websites over the years. Mainly for volunteer organisations, but some for business and artists too!

I'm not taking on any more websites, but I miss using Rapidweaver. So I decided to spend times making "Sections" so that people can just pay a couple of quid (bucks if you are in the US) to quickly and easily populate your sites with beautiful sections!!

Most of all I have fun!! And I hope you will too.