This is NOT a CRUD system.
F62SLite allows you to send Foundation 6 form data to a SQLite Database.

It includes a second stack that will let you update data by passing the record id. Note: Update does not support BLOB data type.

62SQLite ver.1.0.9 Features:

Uses F6 Ajax Post 

Configurable Data Path: Set the data path for the stack  from the website root.

Database Name Settings: Allows the user to set the database name.

Table Name Settings: Allows setting up the table name for form data.

Attached File Destination Options: Allows the user to set file destination, whether a table name or a folder path from Document_Root.

File Upload Management: Handles settings for file uploads with the form data.

File Operations: Provides options to store files directly in a table or in a folder, and options for handling multiple files.

Single and Multi-File Options: Different configurations for single or multiple file operations, including URL setting, comma-separated list, form table Row id, etc.

Trailing Field Removal: Ability to set the number of fields not to pass in the data, starting at the end towards the first form field.

Detailed Logging: Offers the option to create a log file for troubleshooting issues.

Automatic Table and Database Creation: If the database or form table doesn't exist, it will be automatically created from the form structure.

Reserved Field Names: Prevents use of certain field names such as 'filename' and 'file' for form fields.

F62SQLiteUpdate Features:

Update Existing Records: Allows updating existing records by passing the row id as a URL parameter.

Configurable Data Path: Set the data path for the stack from the website root.

Database Name Settings: Allows the user to set the database name.

Table Name Settings: Allows setting up the table name for form data.

Column Removal Option: Lets users specify a list of columns they do not want to create a form field for.

Detailed Logging: Offers the option to create a log file for troubleshooting issues.

Intended For Non-Binary Data: Not designed to update any columns that hold binary data (BLOB). BLOB columns should be removed.